
Zwiebelmuster  Blue Onion Pattern Czech Republik Dubi.
Hot.line 00420 602 80 20 80           8am-6pm including Sat and Sun

Sale 5+1 Free compote bowl 13 cm Dubí 6 pcs 2.quality
  • Sale 5+1 Free compote bowl 13 cm Dubí 6 pcs 2.quality
  • Sale 5+1 Free compote bowl 13 cm Dubí 6 pcs 2.quality

Sale 5+1 Free compote bowl 13 cm Dubí 6 pcs 2.quality 10046-2.jak

In stock
  • Detailed description
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Onion bowl compote bowl original onion bowl onion Czech porcelain Dubí



bowl original onion

onion china Dubí

6 pcs

Valid for a limited time only while stocks last,

which are limited

1 pcs

Special offer 6 pcs for only 955 kc !!!!!!!!

A unique buy!!!

Valid while supplies last ( stocks are limited )

2nd quality

Diameter 13 cm, height 3,5 cm , 150 g
2nd quality
The second quality has the same utility and health properties as the 1st quality. It differs only in inaccuracies of painting and sometimes two or three blue or brown dots or squiggles. In normal use these inaccuracies are almost imperceptible. A product in the second quality can be recognised by an indentation on the trademark placed on the bottom of the product (sometimes detectable only with the finger or fingernail) and on the label of the original box. The second quality is usually 20% cheaper, which should be taken into account when buying ( in some unbranded shops ). If you have any questions, please contact us at

The onion painting is underneath the glaze, making the product suitable for microwave and dishwasher use.
The painting can only be disturbed by breaking the product.
( The glaze is a thin glassy coating on the surface of the products.)

The product is health-safe - see declaration of conformity

In the Czech Republic there are several manufacturers of onionskin but only
Český porcelán a.s. produces original onionskin. Dubí and currently uses the following trademark:

ochranná známka

The trademark has undergone changes, which can be found here :
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